....another day has flown away......

The beach

Best things in life are free

Somewhere in the Sinis peninsula

Through the portal of Tharros

A view from a tower

Santa Giusta

Via Dritta

Colors of San Giovanni di Sinis

Old house

A tower watching from up a hill

An empty street

Sardinia 2013

- Chiesa San Vero -

san giovanni

Stagno di Mari e Pauli - Nurachi (Or)

Torre di Tharros

Nuraghe S'Urachi / S'Uraki 4: a view from the nuraghe looking north

Child riding a bike

- Colori al Calar della Sera -

Mi mancava

Spring colors

Aspettando le Nuvole

Sardegna - la spiaggia di S Giovanni di Sinis - II (Explored)

Some waves

February sunset

S.Giovanni di Sinis Beach

Another sunset

La danzatrice

- Before Sundown -

- White Waters -

"Sala da Ballo"

Tramonto al Pontile - 2

Sa Gent'Arrubia ...

Surround Sound

Poppies field

Breakfast on the pond

spring has come