The view

A refreshing view

Roman view

A room with a view

Ceiling view

Roman view

View of Rome

View of the Colosseum, Roma - Italia.

River Tiber Rome

The famous view of The Roman Forum as seen as at Sunrise. Rome. Italy. Sunrise. Christine Phillips (C)

vaticano classico

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Vatican 2016

St Peter's Square from Top of the Basilica

Rome 14

Piazza della Rotonda, Rome

eternal run

Ponti (bridges) of Rome

Apostolic Palace / Palazzo Apostolico, Vatican City

The Vatican View

La terrazza - The terrace

The Clouds of Rome

Puente Sant'Angelo (Roma, Italia, 16-10-2017)

Roma_Tevere_Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II_Italia

Bridging the dome, Rome

A bird in the sky

Nuvole rapide

tramonto sul Tevere

Ponte nuvoloso

Sotto questo sole

Rome series

Foro Romano (Roma, Italia, 15-10-2017)

Bruma mattutina

Rome, 269 b.C.

Fountain and Waterfalls on the Eur lake park, Rome

Roma, sunset lights

Japanese garden at the Japan Cultural Institute in Rome

099Roma Lungo Tevere 21.12.2012

Roman Forum / Римский Форум

Castel Sant'Angelo - fiume Tevere

Piazza San Pietro

The Eternal City