messy dripping [explore fp interestingness 28.02.2010]
italian bokeh bouquets
this can't be the last grasp!
interrotta / interrupted [explore 20.06.2010] - [Project 52 - 19/52] 0238
a zip file
rising life [explore 16.05.2010]
life left leaf
burning sun
primus inter pares
in a frosty, shiny morning...
at the speed of sound [explore 24.04.2010]
impastata nel cuore / mixed in the heart [explore 23.05.2010] - [Project 52 - 15/52] 0237
the world outside / c'è un mondo, fuori
would have been enough at least the shadow of a flower / sarebbe bastata almeno l'ombra di un fiore
light it up only after screwed in
lookout joe! another paparazzo!
acqua contro / water against - [Project 52 - 7/52] 0213
in si bemolle minore
from CERN to Gran Sasso? (without any tunnel)
black as snow
my heart still beats for you
Tramonto sui vigneti
il papavero solitario / the lone poppy
(it was like) moving trees and still shrubs
#fromthecar #versopadova
House near the Sile river
A nice place on the river Sile
Mirror Sunset
Impart me new health
Di borghi più belli d'Italia
Colli e Monte Grappa
View to Monte Grappa from Asolo
Martin pescatore-Alcedo atthis-Common Kingfisher
D 345.1065 Cornuda