A view of Po river

Bruma sulle colline - Mist on the hills

Turin blue hour

Turin 10/03/2013

Gran Madre (Torino)

View from across the river Po, Turin

Lancia Aprilia

Turin à l'heure bleue

Cappuccini Mount

Wonderful Turin - Meravigliosa Torino - HDR

You'll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile

Nice view from Superga

stairway near to heaven

neve & nuvole

silent mountains silent sky

Torino, tramonto sul Po - Turin, sunset on the river Po

" #sunset Through The #water " a #beautiful #sun viewed through little water dub ✨✨ SO #romantic

A beautiful day!

Torino e la mole Antoneliana, Piemonte, Italia.

Torino - 2757 (1) : two rooms and a bath, 24-06-1982

Moncalieri (05)

Green Heart of Turin

With me

Un passo dopo l'altro; il susseguirsi delle stagioni.........c'est la vie.

Lonely seagull

Off sun and blue

Storm coming

Monferrato Fall

Nebbie in dissolvimento...

From your favourite sky

Quando il giorno incontra la notte - When the day met the night.

ponte napoleonico

Turin | Piedmont

Penombra bianca - Twilight white.

Quiet pond

Sunday sunset

IMG_9643 - Torino - colori e luci d'autunno

IMG_9490 - Torino - solo una questione di luce......

Even the silences are words

Tra le curve

First snow