Clark Gardens 021110 124

Cloud Reflections

The Fabulous Baker Hotel

Grand Lobby

Thank You! Come Back Soon...

Personal Sauna

High Chairs

The Summit

Sweet Dreams

High Colonic?

Going Up?

The Baker Suite

Un-Safe Deposit

Low Tide

Checking In?

Houdini the Swan

Something Wicked...

Spring Splendor at the Gardens

Purple Beauty

Sick Bay

Rose Parade

Oxbow Lake


Not so Blue Morning - 0766

Queen Butterfly

At a stop Quanah Hill Rd. ©®

Clark Gardens 080609 708

Clark Gardens

Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Clark Gardens 031910 007

Itsy Bitsy

Giant Swallowtail

1931 Ford Model A

1939 Chevy Master Deluxe Coupe

Yellow likes Yellow

Dainty Sulphur

Thicket of Pickets

Nature's Wedge - Lake Mineral Wells

Golden Labrador - Lake Mineral Wells

Clark Gardens 031210 232