Sunset at Vardoehus Fortress

From my point of view - the road is not closed

Purple Sandpiper

Barents Sea

From my point of view - Hamningberg ahead :-)

From my point of view - the old road in Kiberg

From my point of view - Vardø ahead

Bird hide with view towards Hornøya bird cliff



Steilneset Memorial

The Norns

The Tides of a Life

Lièvre variable - Lepus timidus (Kiberg, Norvège)

Stormy backyard.

Vardø seen from the mainland

Cotton-grass @ Varanger

Vardø Harbour

Lighthouse on the Pier in Vardø

Bruant lapon - Varanger/Norvège-Norge_20150530_775

Midnight sun at Hasselnes in Vardø

Anchor place

Pipit maritime - Vardø/Varanger/Norvège-Norge_20150529_309

Vardø B&W

Birds on Store Avløysa, Hornøya



Bruant des neiges - Varanger/Norvège-Norge_20150531_002-1

Forteresse de Vardøhus