View Dew

Angel of Grief

Angel and Cross

Through the wire

le mystère de l'avenir

night lights

Views from the 6ix.


Mahatma Morning / Silos On Sawyer At Sunrise

Eleanor Tinsley

Running through strings

A Houston view

Red Wine For Nara

darck corner

Ceci n'est pas un bâtiment

Owl Butterfly

gentle day

EXPLORED:Spring Reflection

Houston lights

CityWestPlace - Building 1 Lobby Entrance View

Homage To Fred Picker

Bayou ran over its banks

Emerging from the Fog

Sam Houston Monument Alt

a quiet place [Explored]

Sundown on the bayou

North Blvd Oak Trees 1 ALT

Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park - Houston, Texas


North Blvd Oak Trees 2

Houston Catching Some Rays

Fairies & Green Blade Grass

Above South Blvd No. 15

A Run in With the Sun

Pichavaram Mangrove Forest

X marks the spot!

Houston Galleria Area Skyline 5 - Schlumberger and Marathon Oil

Hermann Park Oak Trees

Snowing On Hyde Park Road

Mountwood St. Bridge

Galleria Area Skyline-Aerial-March 2019-Mabry Campbell