All I Can Say is......Finally!!!

Northern Cardinal - Male

Northern Cardinal - Male

Tight Fit

As Far As they Went

"The Coaster" as Seen through a Puddle

Stranger 27/100 : Joyce

Ancient Aliens 2018.

Medina, Ohio Kmart closing (former Super Kmart)

Medina, Ohio Kmart closing (former Super Kmart)

October Day in Spencer: 8

Medina, Ohio Kmart closing (former Super Kmart)

Adam-Taylor Rehearsal Day - January 25 2019 (1)

Medina, Ohio Kmart closing (former Super Kmart)

Blue Jay

Black Capped Chickadee

Framed by the Wheel

Litchfield, Ohio 1976

Emeritus at Augusta

A Heavy Duty Truck Bed Cover On A Toyota Tundra

A Heavy Duty Truck Bed Cover On A Toyota Tundra

take a long walk off a short pier.

Shale Creek Sunset

Spring sunset

Black Skies

Spring sunset

April Sunrise

Redwinged Blackbird - Female

Song Sparrow


Wild Mouse

#Sunrise 11-2014

Still water at evening

The Big Dipper

#Sunrise 11-2014

The Big Dipper

Lucky Number 13!! I'm playing an Afternoon Round at my Home Course, Roscoe Ewing Disc Golf Course in Medina, OH!! @pdga @innovadiscs @gripeq @huklab @keenfootwear @clifbarcompany @discgolfholes #DiscGolf #Course #Lucky13 #instagramers #instahub

Spring sunset

Sky, or water?

Great day at Bagattaway #Lax Tournament with these kids! 2015 Green Middle School Girls & Boys #Lacrosse Teams #bulldoglax

Song Sparrow on Shovel Handle

Song Sparrow