Breakfast Part III

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Breakfast Part I

Grandview Park View

Nickel on Keystone

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late."

"The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind."

"Happiness is never stopping to think if you are."

Fungus & Trestle, Clairton, PA

Northwestern Line

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

Butterfly and birdbath

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man."

"Take the time to come home to yourself every day."

"The past is really almost as much a work of the imagination as the future."

Downtown Finleyville

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”

Reflective Windows

The old sandbox...

Old St Michael's Church - Elizabeth, PA


“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”

Above Mingo Creek

Along Trax Road

Industrial landscape, Hazelwood, Pittsburgh

Landscape #93

A Beautiful January Day At Mingo Creek

Hay On The Horizon

Farm In The Valley

Trax Hay Field

Allegheny County Fairgrounds

Sunrise - Morning Has Woken

"St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic."

Sign at Potomac Station

Behind the ridge

Between the trees

Golden Light

Alone at the factory, March 25, 2016

Great Allegheny Passage/Montour Trail

Pittsburgh industrial

Brush Strokes