Hobbes & Starbucks Cutout

Plane & Clouds in Deep Sepia

The Stormy Sky Is Melting

Gates Fire Clouds in Crazy Color

Hoop HDR

Hockey Promos


Panoramic View. Helena,Montana

House of the Treasure State

Sleeping Giant HDR

Montana Ballpark 3: Helena Brewers vs Ogden Raptors

Out The Picture Window, Evening, Hauser Lake, Montana, USA

Old mine shaft. Helena,Montana

Pipeline Trail. Helena,Montana.

Montana Ballpark 3: Helena Brewers vs Ogden Raptors

Rose tries her New Leveling Blocks

Orange & Black Of Mt. Helena

Hobbes Nose on Ball HDR Cutout

Gates Fire Closeup Long

Mt Ascension HDR

View Up to the Dome

Early Spring Clouds Washing The Valley Hills BW

The Capitol in the Capital City. Helena,Montana

Sleeping Giant. Helena,Montana

Hauser Lake. Near Helena,Montana

Spring Meadow Lake State Park.

Horse & Fence Long Lomo

Seeley Lake

Overdone Wheat in Every Sense of the Word

BNSF 6033 & 9024

Wide open

Long Shot Of Shining Wheat

Lone Pine Mammatus With Grass in Foreground

Gray Day In Helena Montana

Golden Morning light

Montana Sunset

Cloudy Sunset over September Mt Helena Sky

The Tree, The Mountain, The Storm

Hobbes Walking In Dark Black Sky BW

Near Spring Meadow Lake

Snow accumulation on the hills of Helena Montana