Ombres et poussières - Shadows and dust

One "apachita" in Pukará de Quitor, Chile


San Pedro Morning

Valle de la Luna

Moonlight in the Atacama Desert

Planet Toblerone

First view of the landscape

The golden hour, Valley of the Moon, Atacama, Chile

Church of San Isidro - Valle de Catarpe - San Pedro de Atacama - Chile

Piedra del Coyote. #sanpedrodeatacama #desiertodeatacama #chile #bestplaceonearth #must #turism #travel #trip #nofilter #peace

Volcan Lascar Plateau

At Spaceobs


Endless Plains

Side View of the Four (Cuatro) Marias, Valley of the Moon, Valle de la Luna, San Pedro de Atacama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region, Chile

Valle de la Luna – San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

View From Quitor!!

View from Pukará de Quitor

Valle de la Luna - View from Top

Chilean brazier

martian landscape II

Three volcanos over the Valle de la Muerte

No, this is not a picture sent by Curiosity rover on Mars; it's just my own curiosity that took me to this place: Death Valley. If you find anything green there, then you are dreaming.

martian landscape

Esse contraste é de tirar o fôlego: deserto e neve.

desolation in the red planet

Mirador Kali | San Pedro de Atacama | Chile.

travelling on mars

Valle de la Luna, Atacama Desert

A 4120 metros acima do nível do Mar estão as Lagoas Altiplânicas | San Pedro de Atacama | Chile

Valle de la Luna

Valle de la Muerte

Cruzo las épocas cantando como un gran sueño deforme

Valle de la Luna

Valle de la Luna with Licancabur in the background

Desertous mountain (Chile)

Valle de la Luna

Volcán Lascar

Long distance even if it doesn't look like

Valle de la Luna

Volcans Licancabur and Juriques at sunset from the moon valley