Together through the Gates of Day

Das kachelt!

<- Tor zur Sonne --<<<

IMG_0596_A view from the Castle

The Tagus River viewed from Santarém

Portugiesischer Lampenminimalismus...


High noon...

Ein Mischwesen!


Santarém Portugal 6th July 2014

Igreja de Sta. Maria da Alcáçova - Santarém - Portugal

Igreja Matriz de Aveiras de Cima - Portugal

Palácio dos Condes de Aveiras - Aveiras de Baixo - Portugal

View of Tejo River, Santarém

View of Tejo River, Santarém

The Tagus River viewed from Santarém

Santarém - Caneiras - Aldeia Avieira

A view from the walls

Santarém-Rio Tejo nas Caneiras


IMG_1817_Agricultural plain



302/365: It's coming another black morning ... I believe it's gonna be a better day for me

Alviela river / Foz do rio Alviela

sunset explosion


Vale do Rio Tejo - Portugal

IMG_2219_Forest & City

Pinceladas de outono

Trigo, de que se faz o pão nosso de cada dia

We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us

277/365: When the moon stop shining, the oceans dry up and the world over, I'll stop loving you

Bridge and trees

The plains of Ribatejo


Uma luz na escuridão

O Tejo em Santarém