Eupen BE - Street view 03

Barley and Poppies

Belgium, Railway Station Liège-Guillemins, 22-12-2014


Brace yourself.

Forest in Limburg, Netherlands

Eupen BE - Street view 01

I cannot wait any longer

Winter Requiem

Eupen BE - Street view 02

Girls Night Out

first sign of spring...

rain again

View from the camping

Germany, Railway Station Aachen, 22-12-2014

lighting the light

between autumn and spring

Het gouden uurtje golden hour

Summer feeling

morningsun from the east

path to the clouds

Boom in weiland.

Vijf bomen in zonsondergang.

The long and winding road

Summer evening

Voor dag en dauw.

Korenmolen 'op de Vrouweheide'


2709 + 2705

Eifel path

The Calm before the Winter

Cloudy weather

St George Church - Église St-Georges

Avondgloed - Evening glow.

Appeltjes bloesem.

Golvende heuvels in ondergaande zon.

time after time