Day-4: AIBF_2013_3011

Rio Grande 1

Still Life - Eggs & Flowers 1

Day-4: AIBF_2013_3255d

Still Life - Apples 2

Day-4: AIBF_2013_3180

Still Life - Pears 3a

So Absolutely Not the Usual

Still Life - Pears & Flowers 2

Line of Friendships

Still Life - Reading Jane Austen 1

Bosque in 3d

Day 4: AIBF_2013_3056

Up Above My Head 3-a

Day-4: AIBF_2013_3067

Day-4: AIBF_2013_3562

First Wave

Birthday Jam

Bosque Trail 2009

Fisheye view inside Clydescope hot air balloon

Day-4: AIBF_2013_3508

Eleven Geese Flying

Turquoise Story

The Rio Grande in Albuquerque November 2015

Framed in foliage

ABQ Storm a'brewin

Rain Comes to Sandias 2a

Sandia Sunrise-2

Fly Boys

Sandia Panorama

Old Town Gardens

Tattered and Torn

Up Above My Head 1a

San Felipe

Shooting Petroglyphs

Signs of Decay

Tingley Beach sunset in the park

Iron Horse and the Sandias

Rio Grande reflections

BalloonFiesta13 0872