Neotropic Cormorant

Pied-billed Grebe

Windy Point

Neotropic Cormorants

Sanctuary of the Benedictine Monastery, Tucson, Arizona. View east toward the altar.

At the Benedictine Monastery. Tucson, Arizona.

the buffet cocktails package liquors, tucson, est 1934

At the Benedictine Monastery, 3. Tucson, Arizona

Door 345

Sanctuary of the Benedictine Monastery, Tucson, Arizona. View west from the altar toward the rose window.

...which method do you prefer? by car? or...

Holiday 2011 20 - Eye of the Sky

silver saddle steakhouse

tiki motel (formerly the oracle motel, est 1940)

Male American Kestrel

the shelter, est. early 1960s

Nice One

At the Benedictine Monastery, 2. Tucson, Arizona.

Great Egret Breeding Plumage

the loft

Tucson Cathedral

A view from Windy Point. Mt. Lemmon, Arizona.

Sunrise on a Distant Planet

...shadows from the sunset (from the moving car)

...a mysterious night

Wow view

...at the end of the trail

Life Rocks

Day Forty Eight

Windy Point

The view on the way back. #CoffeeKen #divine_deserts #adventureanywhere #hiking #azlife #borntobunk #hiking

...the desert has a beauty of its own


Northern Cardinal Male

Rufous-winged Sparrow

...the desert trail

Great-tailed Grackel

Full Flare Kestrel

Western Wood-pewee

Three of a Kind