
Taking a quick break from the CGM MEGACON #cgmimegacon2017 #cgmmegacon2017 in Benin, to Lagos for the #sterlingbank #STEM2017! #stem2017 #surrealstanlee

The toughest kid around Benin City!

Natural Hair...Old School Style!

At the wedding, old school styled lady..

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) is using football as a means of achieving behavioural change towards safe migration. Credit: Sam Olukoya/IPS

Traditional Wedding Edo style

Bride and Groom, Edo Style...Nigeria

Nigerian Edo Pre Marriage Ceremony

Public Transport, The Benin Serie

Public Transport, The Benin Serie

Public Transport, The Benin Serie

Public Transport, The Benin Serie

Public Transport, The Benin Serie

#iXTRA2.0 Live in Benin with some gentlemen I greatly respect further vision and impact drive! Always a pleasure being able to share and inspire someone. Kudos to Blessing Ayemhere for putting the "GREATNESS POSSIBILITY"

Picture of the Day!!!! "Tuxedos from NALA ekenUMBO Gents 2015 collection" #NALAROCKS!!!

Shagamu-Benin Expressway, Nigeria

I've had a lot on my mind lately...upcoming surgery next Friday. I know that God is in control...with that being said..I have a lot to be thankful for!!! If it seems I've been distant...please don't be offended. I needed some me time to reflect on some th

My Nubian Princess and Ijero

My 9Ja wifey is ready for a new day in Nigeria

African Scream Silence

Bathroom at Cornerstone of Hope Orphanage