Золото осени

View from the smoking balcony in the office

Park Probedy

And it started snowing...

Birch forest. Russia

Bright spot in the white world

Saratov, Russia

Panorama sunset

Night view of the Svjato-Troicky Cathedral

Большая синица - Great Tit

Saratov suburban

view on saratov bridge

view on Saratov

View from the bridge.

Cake in the office...

Rough Saratov

Лес в октябре. October forest

Осень в дубовом лесу. Fall in the oak forest, Russia

Березовая аллея - autumn vs. winter (in comment) - Landscape format

Birch avenue in the autumn forest, Russia

Winter nostalgia

Late skiing in the forest

Осень на Кумысной поляне

Saratov 20

Saratov 19

Saratov 23

Saratov 22

Saratov 27

Saratov 33

Dame mit Telefon im Kinderpark

Saratov 21

Saratov 15

Saratov 25

Volga river • Зеленый остров Саратова

Volga river • Волга с Соколовой горы