destination 7

The Cathedral Of Money

201 Droplets

For you

Droplet city

Cooky mishap~

Happy lovely Monday

"I like you"

One morning...

Rainbow feelings~~

Wish you all a happy Sunday!

A Late Blossom

Spring Lighting

The last leafs

Ladybugs adventure at bokeh-kingdom

It's weekend!

IR Landscape

This Morning

Back to the roots

Good Morning Saturday!

The Fifth Dimension

A Flower Rich View

White Tower II

The White Tower

Path To Light

i-phone #41

Landscape and Clouds

Sony *801

Flop Flip

#6-Pastorale, F-Dur op. 68 - Allegro

4. Advent


Taunuswald Albrechtsweg Fuchstanz

27. Taunus Forest - GERMANY


Gelegentlicher Stimmungswechsel


Winter Wonderland

Pusteblume (Feldberg) III

Von Menschenhand