Flower shadows on newfallen snow

whatta view!

Between The Clouds

Superior Preparation

Valley View, PA

Mountain View Mahantongo Mountain

Barbie's Dream House

Towards the Attic

Kiln 9

Flower (Side View)

Kiln 14

Kiln 2

DILO 11:25 am

Kiln 10

Kiln 4

Aerial view of Yoder Farm, Pitman, PA

Pitman Fireman's Parade, 1997

A pasture

Another view of the kitchen

Sunbury, PA. 2011

November 1, 2005 in the Valley

Overlooking the Valley

Recluse Grave

Oh field

Mahantango Mountain

Rebuck Sunset

Steep Rocky Descent On AOAA's East Side Green Trail Ride - IMGP7546

Cornfield 1

Little old shack where

Dead Earth Reaching Toward a Living Heaven

Jeep Obstucting Our Trail - IMGP7490

Trees 1

Bridge Sunbury, PA3

Whaleback Anticline, PA

Jeep TJ Wrangler Negotiating A Steep Rocky Descent On AOAA's East Side Green Trail Ride - IMGP7566

EJY iPhone 041613 009

Overlooking Slutter Valley from Hooflander Mountain

"Just back it up...but watch the tree"

0003 Tulpehocken Path Img138_26