tree top horizontal

Day 19 - White Love

Lower Your Eyelids To Die With The Sun

IMG_7457 - Steps of Memory

Berry Vines and Power Lines

The last signs of fall

Week 4/52

Day 15 - First Snow

DSC_1330 - My Father's Barn

Looking Up

Day 2 - Reach up High

NYC Winter Dusk Time Lapse (Slower)

NYC Winter Dusk Time Lapse

Apple Blossoms

Day 7 - Droplets

Wilting - 2

Day 16 - Christmas Spirit

Day 3 - Sunshine

If only it was the view and not just #artwork #wishfulthinking

Japanese Stroll Garden

Table with a View

River tail...Calda de riacho...

The Shack

Grupes Reservoir

Down the Road

Muscoot Reservoir

Old Church Lane

in the woods

Connecticut Woods

Onatru Farm Park

Philip Johnson's Brick House

Mossy waterfalls

In the Canopy

Onatru Preserve

Sunrise - Earth

Inside Philip Johnson's Glass House

Beaver Dam River

conant valley road

Bartlett Arboretum

Autumn Lake


Exterior of the Philip Johnson Glass House