My Shadow and Me :) (20120601-180943-PJG)

Waiting for Sunset (20141009-182216-PJG)

Autumn Moonlit Sky (20131019-190707-PJG)

Mother Nature's Fall Canvas (20141006-110952-PJG)

Heron Departing (20100609-203312-PJG)

Happy Valentine's Day! (20131019-191430-PJG)

Lake @ Centennial Park (20090930-094612-PJG)

Duck Flight @ Centennial Park (20080727-150242-PJG)

Drive by Shooting :) (20091208-143058-PJG)

Petticodiac River (20090615-144250-PJG)

Frozen in Flight (20080417-150902-PJG)

You are the Ostrich of my Eye! :) -- Ostrich 1of3 (20091020-122344-PJG)

Swan (20091020-113812-PJG)

Full Moon Lum. (20080915-204402-PJG)

Miss Mallard @ Centennial Park (20090923-141708-PJG)

Blue Hour Moonrise (20131019-185859-PJG)

Mother Nature's Fall Canvas (PANO-20131004-104832-104843-PJG-4p)

Setting Sun at Jones Lake (20131019-180843-PJG)

Covered Bridge (20140104-142749-PJG)

Vive la difference! :) (20080417-144616-PJG)

Easter Lily (20080317-124310-PJG)

Reflections (20140908-200426-PJG)

A farm dinner experience.

Setting Sun on Jones Lake (20141009-181540-PJG)

Fall Scene (20101009-135953-PJG)

Lake @ Centennial Park (20101004-115845-PJG)

Broken stream.

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

Petticodiac Reflections (20090616-152350-PJG)

Setting Sun at Lake (20141009-182938-PJG)

Dusk at Harvest Moon Rise 1of2 (20140908-200212-PJG)

Sunflower Fields Forever.

Blue-Hour River Scene (20140908-200702-PJG)

Ice Islands (20100130-135652-PJG)

Surfing Moncton (20140909-103134-PJG)

A View of Moncton (Pano-20120401-140445-140459-PJG-8p)

Reaching (20100719-130111-PJG)

Reach for the sky

Nature's Abstract (20140417-115006-PJG)

Petticodiac near Sunset (20090608-195024-PJG)

End of My Day (20121003-181454-PJG)