Great American Ball Park

Covington and Cincinnati Suspension Bridge -Covington, Kentucky on the south bank of the Ohio River with Cincinnati in the background.

Final Destination [Explored]

Evening cruise under the Roebling Suspension Bridge

Eastern Towhee (View Large)

Louisville & Nashville RR Bridge

Surprise In The Tree

Prothonotary Warbler (view large)

Northern Parula (view large)

Clouds across the Ohio River

Pileated woodpecker (View Large)

2509ex Monarch dreams

Grandstand View-Great American Ball Park-Cincinnati OH 5323

Bonnie takes a brake

Fresh Angle at Cincy

Swainson's Thrush

Halloween Anticipation

Common yellowthroat (view large)

Evening Mist IMG_4630

Repair shop, Cincinnati/OH, March 29, 2013

Blue-gray gnatcatcher (male). View large

Cincinnati over the Ohio

Covington Kentucky - Fort Washington Hotel - Downtown - Main Street - Lost Buildings - Gone Destroyed

Queen's Glow

NS 376 at Cincinnati, Ohio on July 22, 2018

Reflecting Pool

BNSF 759 - Covington, KY

CSX Q317-03 at Covington, Kentucky on August 5, 2018

7318ex Reptile House adorned

33/52 -- 2019 -- Draped Landscape

View of Cincinnati And The Daniel Carter Beard Bridge (aka the “Big Mac Bridge”) From Newport On The Levee-00840

Cincinnati and Covington Looking North along the Licking River



IMG_8352 Repeat Groundhog

Cincinnati Skyline

thread the needle | cincinnati [explore]

Winton Woods

Chapel of Dreams, Garden of Hope, Peaselburg, Covington, KY


Great American Ball Park