Urban Field

Gwangju, Dawn

Morning Glory

Gwangju Night View - IMG_9020

Guus Hiddink World Cup Stadium

Gwangju skyline

Gwangju Night View - IMG_9033

Chonnam National University

Moments Before - IMG_9047

1st Day in Korea! View from our apartment...

Chonnam National University

Chonnam National University

518 Memorial Park

View - IMG_7407

Chonnam National University

Chonnam National University

Chonnam National University

Chonnam National University

Former Jeollanam provincial building

View from the KTX

Former Jeollanam provincial building

Morning of lake

Fall River

Gwangju escapades

Trees- iphone test

"보성차밭축제"... 오늘은 "19일 금요일" #날마다사진 #보성 #빛축제 #19금 #cheolstyle #방없다

Edge of campus

Hanging (Long Exposure)

Campus to City (Polarised)

Autumn Landscape

눈 덮인 무등산... 정상은 엄청 춥겠지? #무등산 #눈 #cheolstyle #철스타일 #날마다사진 #광주

오길 참 잘했어... 근데 징하게 춥다~ #블라자드 #칼바람 #무등산 #국립공원 #설경 #cheolstyle #날마다사진 #아이폰

A friend steps in front of a landscape shot!

Day time across campus

Memories of the lake

Mudeungsan ( Korean: 무등산, 無等山 )

Crape myrtles and clouds

무등산 서석대...~ 이랬으면 한다는 것이지요...;;

#gwangju #fleche #commute

Youngsan river

Another view from our apartment on the 14th floor...

첫 눈 온날 하늘이 열리네...~