village scene

swede's house

'downtown' Ugashik Village

Set Net Town (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

teetering on the waterfront

burned and derelict

cannery living quarters

abandon(ed) ship


cannery remnants

St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church

company store

Enduring (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Enduring (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Enduring (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Enduring (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Still Connected (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Smile (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Ribs (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Skiffs (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

In Front of the Disused Cannery (Pilot Point, AK, USA)

Sun Sets on the Nugget (Ugashik, AK, USA)