1997 06-15 1745 AMTK P40DC-816 W/B P029 CL Martinsburg, WV

2016 04-27 6:46PM MARC MP36PH-3C-23 W/B 875 on CSX, Martinsburg, WV.


Former Martinsburg Mall

2016 04-27 1:48PM CSX SD70MAC-4770 E/B Q-401, Martinsburg, WV.

Worked outside all day (gotta love WiFi) enjoying this view

Berkeley County Courthouse (corner view) - Martinsburg, WV

Berkeley County Courthouse - Martinsburg, WV

Berkeley County Courthouse (street level view) - Martinsburg, WV

Amtrak's Capitol Limited


2015 11-23 0933 W&W GP9-459 N/B 86 at Berkeley, WV

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Martinsburg Roundhouse

2015 11-23 1250.6 W&W GP38-2-2182 S/B 86 at Berkeley, WV

2015 11-23 1250 W&W GP38-2-2182 S/B 86 at Berkeley, WV

Snowy view

A View From The Station

View from my desk

Pee Wee Point

View down the front orchard


Anyone Need A Light?

Morning sunrise

Poko shows off her new log walking skills

Valley View

Early morning on the farm

Asparagus beetle damage

Fall foliage in Berkeley County, W.Va.

Farm in the morning light

Wheat in the morning does a body good

Dawn on the farm

Martinsburg in Berkeley County, W.Va.

Organic bell peppers

Moving through the trap crop to the cash crop

Sweet corn in the morning light

Fields and a tree

Across the Great Valley the sun rises over South Mountain