Passing Port Allegheny

2017 10-23 1110.2 WNYP C430-430 N/B North Eldred, PA

2017 10-24 1540.4 WNYP M636-643, C630M-630, M636-637 S/B DFT North Eldred, PA

2017 10-24 1540 WNYP M636-643, C630M-630, M636-637 S/B DFT North Eldred, PA




Bucky at Turtle Point, PA






A trio of WNYP M636s ran lite out of Olean, NY and are lifting empty stone hoppers at Turtle Point, PA. They will be swapped out for loads at the NS interchange in Driftwood.

Allegheny River at Eldred Pennsylvania

Flowers for the Bees

Allegheny River at Devil's Elbow

Autumn scene in Western Pennsylvania

Looking into woods while driving on Historic US-6

Driving on Historic US-6

Field View

Sun, Frost and Fog

Autumn ferns seen while driving on Historic US-6

Driving on Historic US-6

Autumn scene in Western Pennsylvania

Northern Pennsylvania (Historic US-6)

Northern Pennsylvania

Autumn scene in Western Pennsylvania


West Along US 6 Near Roulette

Autumn scene - Western Pennsylvania

Tied down at Turtle Point. A pair of M636s and a C630M await a crew to spot loaded stone hoppers and pull empties for the return trip to Driftwood.

After refueling in PA, headed home to Olean, NY

Knapp Creek Looking Upstream