Mom And Her Little One

Christman Sanctuary

Schoharie Creek

Upper Falls - Setting the Scene

Here's To A Great Weekend

Bee Balm

Schoharie Valley Views

view from the top of Bean Hill

Ingold-Schaeffer New World Dutch Barn

view of the farm from the pond

Clover (side view)

view of a deer at dusk from the 4-wheeler

Waterfall on the Bozenkill

Old Stone Fort Cemetery

Altamont Orchards - Altamont, NY - 09, Oct - 01

view from Plotter Kill

view from the top of Bean Hill

Esperance Signals

View Along Escarpment

view from the top of Bean Hill

view from the top of Bean Hill

Bridge Over Fox Creek

Christman Sanctuary at Sunrise

Christman Weeping Wall

Swirling Water

Bozen Kill Falls

Christman Sanctuary

Christman Sanctuary

Christman Sanctuary

Christman Sanctuary

Christman Sanctuary

After the farm*

Flowing Water

Plotter Kill Preserve

Christman Sanctuary

Falls at Fox Creek

Bozen Kill Falls

Christman Glow

Full water

Christman main waterfall

Small Falls at Plotter Kill Preserve