5176 Guess Whooo's coming to town! (My Number 1) All time as of 11/24/2012 - 2,419 Views

The Narrow Path

Charlottesville Union Station

Jefferson's Poppy

Fishpond at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

The Approach

Tree with Tulips at Monticello

Evening View of the Paramount

Night view

Cottage Steps

Beaver Creek

View from Brown College Tunnels

Viewing West from Sawmill Ridge Overlook

Another view from the top..

Spicebush Swallowtail

View from the Gleason building - Waterhouse, pink building, Dewberry

Flower Scenery

Fog in the Valley

Love walking up the hill from my classroom to this view every evening, especially on a day like this.

Foggy View From McCormick Gap Overlook

Stopped here to take in the view for the first time.

Sugar Hollow

Waterfront Property

My morning: on thee roof of The Lodge in Old Trail

sunset in the mountains

Sweet night

Reflections Through the Ice; Ivy Creek Natural Area; Charlottesville, Virginia


Folding Ridge

Rolling Meadow


April 28 bicycle ride in Crozet.

Autumn morning.

A few pics from the bicycle last year

Rainbow ride

Court Square

Just a few pictures taken while riding my bicycle.

Sunsplash Thru a Spring Evergreen

Just a few pictures taken while riding my bicycle.

Sunflowers on this morning's ride

April 28 bicycle ride in Crozet.