Pinnacle Hill View

Sacred Grove - morning sunlight

It Was A Good Day For...

Fields, Meadows and Split Rail Fence on Smith Farm - LDS historic site

Smith Family Log Cabin Home

Nature's Carpet - Sacred Grove

Frame Home on Joseph Smith Sr. Farm - LDS historic site

Near sunset in The Sacred Grove #3

Entrance to The Sacred Grove #2

Entrance to The Sacred Grove

Fungi - Dryad's saddle or Pheasant's back mushroom

3 Trees in the Sacred Grove

Sacred Grove - golden light

George G. Johnson - National Photographic Association Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 1870

Interior of Smith frame home - LDS historic site

Crooked Creek on the Smith Farm - LDS historic site

Interior of Smith frame home - LDS historic site

The Sacred Grove, near Palmyra, NY #2

King James Motel - Rochester, New York

The Sacred Grove, near Palmyra, NY #1

Map of Smith Farm (historic LDS site) - showing Sacred Grove

Dawn Over Knickerbocker

Corbett's Glen

must b Bench Monday

Sunny Stream

Silvery slide

Pelham Road

AMT 206 EB at Fairport

Persimmon Park Pond


Erie Canal, Looking Eastbound

Corbetts Glen Falls

Corbett's Glenn

Knickerbocker September Morning

In the beginning

Harvest Moonrise 2017

Summmer Day Ends

Winter Waterfall

Postcard Falls

the curious case of the vanishing cows