Adult Male Phidippus putnami Jumping Spider

Boston Avenue Methodist Church

Tulsa Skyline VII

Downtown Tulsa Beauty

Tulsa Skyline VIII

2012 Tatur Mud Run

Temporal Displacement

Night Moves

2014 NCAA Division I Women's Golf Championship

2014 NCAA Division I Women's Golf Championship

2012 Tatur Mud Run

2012 Tatur Mud Run

2014 NCAA Division I Women's Golf Championship

2014 NCAA Division I Women's Golf Championship

Stand on Your Head

Escaping on the Breeze

1971 Yashica D TLR


Cardinal Temper Tantrum..............Explore

Lily Pads

SPRING has arrived in Tulsa

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. 7.16.08.

Tulsa in July

Tulsa, Oklahoma. 3.6.11.

Downtown Tulsa at Night

T town

Tulsa, Oklahoma. 2.7.13.

Tulsa, Oklahoma. 8.5.13.

Residential Living

The Fountain

Springtime in Oklahoma

2012-07-10 00.30.08

2012-07-09 23.35.10

Autumn Morning Reflections

2012-07-09 19.00.49-1

Photo Jul 31, 8 34 20 PM

Tulsa Mohawk Park

My Photo Stream-207

2012-07-09 22.11.35

November Day Walk