Neotropic Cormorant

the buffet cocktails package liquors, tucson, est 1934

Holiday 2011 20 - Eye of the Sky

Tucson at Dusk

Male American Kestrel

the shelter, est. early 1960s

tiki motel (formerly the oracle motel, est 1940)

Nice One

Vermillion Flycatcher

College of Optical Science

Mallard Duck Hen

road/bridge textured

I Want One...

Trail Dust Depot

Old Tucson Movie Studios

Monsoon Sunset, from Gates Pass. Tucson, Arizona.

A couple of penny-farthing owners.

View west from north end of Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona.

View southeast from north end of Campbell Avenue. Tucson, Arizona.

View northeast from Mission San Xavier del Bac toward Santa Catalina Mountains (lower left) and Rincon Mountains (lower right). Tucson, Arizona.

Desert decor. Tucson, Arizona.

Columbus Lake

American Kestrel Male (Explored 6-18-18)

Saguaro National Park West - Tucson, Arizona

Catalina Mountains

Sunset view west from 'A' Mountain, 1. Tucson, Arizona.

Monsoon rain over the Tortolitas - view north from 'A' Mountain. Tucson, Arizona. EXPLORE - Aug. 24, 2013.

Sunset view of the Tucson Mountains from 'A' Mountain. Tucson, Arizona.

Great-tailed Grackel

Anna's Hummingbird Male inflight

I Will Be Light

Alternate view of Thimble Peak

Vinny just before yoga class.

Pyrrhuloxia Male

Crystalline Landscape

A New Dawn

Monsoon clouds - view west from 'A' Mountain. Tucson, Arizona.

Mexican Cardinal - Pyrrhuloxia - Male

Rosy-faced Lovebird

Male House Finch