Hindhede Quarry - Bukit Timah Trail

The Mystery of H20

Singapore :One Flew Over My Nest

Female pink-necked green pigeon

And now for something completely different!

Labrador Jetty II

201803123_Nanyang Technical University

Grey Heron taking off from Jurong Lake

Teban Place Blue Hour I

Singapore :Magical Twilight

Raffles Marina Lighthouse

Jurong, Singapore

Teban Place By Night III

Season of Colours

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

1 year on Flickr!

ahoy♪ an aperitif in the sunset...♫ great egret from singapore♫

Have a colorful and happy day!

Keppel Bay with view of Sentosa island and ships in the roadstead in Singapore

August sunset

A morning view of the twin pagodas at Singapore Chinese Garden

C'mon Baby Light My Fire.....

Trees at the edge of Jurong Lake

The Bridge of Double Beauty

An uncertain journey into 2017

Bamboo trees in Singapore Chinese Garden

I was born under a wand'rin star

The Grey Pansy on Leaf

Chinese Garden White Rainbow Bridge at blue hour

Serene Golden Arches

A slice of China

Singapore :Oh Gush ! Oh Gosh ! Oh Rocks ;-)

The world spinning down the stairs of fear and panic

Labrador Park Sunset

Yellow vented bulbul

Resting under the shade

Labrador Jetty I

Chinese Garden

Mirror 镜

An Exercise in Social Distancing