Peter the Great

New year fireworks

View of the Winter Palace from the Palace Bridge over the Neva / Вид на Зимний с Дворцового моста над Невой

Divorced Palace Bridge. View through the wings of the bridge to the Peter-Pavel's Fortress And, of course, photographers in the frame ;-) / Разведённый Дворцовый мост. Вид через створки моста на Петропавловскую крепость. И, конечно, фотографы в кадре ;-)

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Divorced Palace Bridge. View from the Winter Palace through the wings of the bridge to the Kunstkamera (Cabinet of curiosities) / Разведённый Дворцовый мост. Вид от Зимнего дворца через створки моста на Кунсткамеру

View of the Winter Palace from the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island / Вид на Зимний со Стрелки Васильевского острова

View of the University Embankment beyond the Neva / Вид на Университетскую набережную за Невой

The Lomonossov bridge, St. Petersburg, Russia.

StPetersburg at night

Back from USSR

St. Petersburg night: Griboedov Canal at Singer's house with a view of the Kazan Cathedral / Питерская ночь: Канал Грибоедова у дома Зингера с видом на Казанский собор

St-Petersburg. Midnight. Roof. View of Dostoevsky time...

Ulitsa Zodchego Rossi Saint Petersbourg

Views from the cathedral tower

Inside & Out

Deep Freeze

Catedral y fortaleza de San Pedro y San Pablo (San Petersburgo, Rusia, 11-6-2015)

Tserkov' Uspeniya Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy

Inside & Out

Cathédrale Saint-Isaac de Saint-Pétersbourg depuis un pont sur la Moïka

Saint Petersburg

Autumn metal landscape

Good morning

City of the rivers and dust

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

St Isaac's Sunset Reflections IMG_8165 resized

Night St. Petersburg.

Marie Palace

Kazan Cathedral, St. Peterburg.

Sunrise in St. Petersburg.

Winter wears white

Saint Petersburg 11

Sunrise in St. Petersburg.

Kingdom of the frost

Spires of Saint-Petersburg

Sunrise in St. Petersburg

n u m e n

Evening in St. Petersburg.

w i n t e r

Inner lake

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