Garden Spider Lit from behind by the sunshine

Spoiled for choice

Concorde (3) Back end of one engine

IMGP8713c Orange Tip, Bar Hill, April 2020

IMGP8159c Brown Argus, Hayley Wood, August 2018

Cold Steel

IMGP3894a Little Grebe, RSPB Fowlmere, April 2018

Silver Lady

K32P2623c Painted Lady, Bar Hill, Augus t2019

Lower Park Street, Cambridge - Explored

Concorde (1)Tail

K32P2608c Painted Lady, Bar Hill, August 2019

IMGP8125c Speckled Wood, Hayley Wood, August 2018

Concorde (2) Tail and back end of engines

B17 Bomber (4)

IMGP9005a Green-veined White, Bar Hill, May 2020

IMGP3918 Bluebells, Overhall Grove, April 2018

IMGP0005c Starling, Bar Hill, March 2018

Bridge of Sighs

IMGP3772c Greylag, RSPB Fowlmere, April 2018

Church of Our Lady & English Martyrs, Cambridge.

Poppy Hill

HBW - Withering Tulips

Kings College Kings Parade Entrance...

Path through the wheat

Fall into Autumn

Pleasant afternoon on The Cam

Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory

Anglesey Abbey-024

Forever Friends

Anglesey Abbey-047

Prolific Poppies

Little Trees Hill Magog Downs Cambridge 2016

Phone cam: Beautiful nemesis.

Avenue, Jesus Green (in Explore)

The Coming Of Days

Kings College And Chapel Cambridge,

Kings College And Chapel In B&W

Bridges on River Cam, Cambridge

"Air is air, ... " W. Stevens [Explore 16.06.2015]

A Bouquet of Cows. Cambridge, May 2018

The House of Treasure...