The Last of the Wilds.

Psychic Gibbon

2-1 (Re-edited)

Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk

Serenade No. 13 in G Major.

Find the joy within you...

Standing Out

The Essence. [Solinda]

Atrium Light

"In my head I heard them play a song for you and me."

Student Center

Willimantic River Overflow

Leafy Green Fetish...



The Simple Things

Visine Needed

Old Bridge II


Rear View Strong Porter House

[CAB Coffeehouse: Kurt Scobie]

Autumn Morning

Week 1: First Sunrise of 2012

A Spring Sunrise

Reflecting on Heaven

FXCD0010 (2)

FXCD0003 (2)

FXCD0015 (2)

FXCD0056 (2)

FXCD0009 (2)

FXCD0011 (2)

Antics River

FXCD0017 (2)

Into the Woods

Connecticut House in the Lake

Into the Woods

FXCD0006 (2)

FXCD0075 (2)

FXCD0060 (2)