Pioneer Museum of Alabama - AK47 and SKS rifles

International Arts Center Troy Nicole Jones Alabama

Cars on the Street

Pioneer Museum Of Alabama / P1983-0610a075-06

Pioneer Museum Of Alabama / P1983-0610a075-22

New Hall under a Dramatic Sky

Pioneer Museum of Alabama - Syrup crusher

SCL 117 X-ACL 36 XX-ACL 628 S-2M switching SAL and other pulpwood racks beside the SCL X-ACL station and Horn Beverage warehouse extension in Troy AL mid 1970s

Downtown Troy, Alabama

Sunset on Campus

Little Country Church

Pioneer Museum Of Alabama / P1983-0610a075-25

Pioneer Museum of Alabama - Adams General Store

Pioneer Museum of Alabama - Baldwin Logging Locomotive

Pioneer Museum of Alabama - One room school

Pioneer Museum of Alabama - Pioneer Village

Troy 3

120320 Troy, AL

120320 Troy, AL

120320 Troy, AL

Pike County Courthouse (Troy, Alabama)

Troy Trojan Territory

Veterans Memorial Stadium, Troy (Ala.), 21 December 2012

Downtown Troy AL

Veterans Memorial Stadium, Troy (Ala.), 20 March 1998

Tenant's House


Water Tank Troy AL