Rhododendron Leafhopper in Virginia

on the 20

Black Onion Fly in Virginia

M243 Harrisonburg, VA

I Used To Live Across The Street From This House

Bedroom Window Factory Sunrise

Stunning Vista

Blue Ridge Mountains

Golden-backed Snipe Fly

Longlegged Fly

Grace Memorial Church

2007.12.27 Massanutten

the best we know how

The Red & The Black_13

The Red & The Black_05

Rockingham Red Barn

Brown Mountain Overlook

dance amid the chaos

Dave's Taverna Rooftop

View on Rocky Mountain

Shenandoah National Park, Skyline Drive

Skyline Drive West Virginia


"no, I'm not SURE it's good," she said, "but I'm hopeful."


Fall hiking is the best.

a different kind of deep breath


Male Pileated Woodpecker


Pocket Darkroom



The woods are a magical place.

Brown Mtn- Shenandoah NP 1988 l

Gorgeous Overlook

315/365: Friday, November 11, 2011: Massanutten Mountain at Fall (revisited)

American Robin and winterberry holly


Massanutten sunrise