Toscana - Tuscany

splash of light

An evening at Montepulciano - Tuscany, Italy

An evening at Montepulciano (2) - Tuscany, Italy

View from Pienza - Tuscany, Italy

Sea of bales

Light a candle

Zig zag

mansions on the hills

View from Pienza - Tuscany

Semplicemente Val d'Orcia

From Above

Terre de Sienne II

Pienza's Perfect Peace

Lovely Tuscany #7

Landscape Minimalism

Europe // Italy // Tuscany // Green Island in the golden fields

Italy // Tuscany // Golden Hills in Tuscany (San Giovanni d'Asso)

Cappella di Vitaleta - Val d'Orcia

the house on the hill at dusk

sunset in the valley

La val d'Orcia, in primavera

pejzaż Toskanii

Albeggiando -Dawning

fog horizon

Podere Belvedere - Tuscany

A magical time, The Dawn

my house of dreams

Tuscany - Podere Belvedère II

Colline senesi

Val D'Orcia

*Val d'Orcia in morning mist*

The Way of Paradise

路也彎彎 ~ Cypress road of Monticchiello , Tuscany ( Toscana ) , Italy 托斯卡尼 ~

Colline Senese - Su la strada del Nobile

Le Crete Senesi (23207)

Lo stagno

Petite maison dans la prairie…

Il peso del cielo

Toscana - -206

Linee di luce - Light lines

Tuscan landscape