Celebration Alton

Flock of Red-Winged Blackbirds

Mississippi River Rocks

The Clark Bridge

Star Trails 9/11/07

Rear View

Mississippi Fishers

Sunrise Over the Melvin Price Locks and Dam - West Alton Missouri

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Differential Grasshopper

The colors from confluence of the great rivers bridge

view over Mississippi at Alton

Bald Eagle

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Bald Eagle

Piasa Bird on the bluffs of the Mississippi River

FTRL 1206

The Andromeda Galaxy and Companions.

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Differential Grasshopper

View of the Mississippi

Pallottine Renewal Center

Trumpeter Swan Taking Flight

October afternoon on the river...

Auto Court

Blue wing Teal, colombia bottoms

Winter in Missouri

I-270 Bridge crossing the Mississippi River

Getting a Running Start

Snow Geese on Frozen Pond

Dead....and gone.

Icy Front Porch

Hurricane Isaac over the Midwest

Eagle shoot with robin 1-13-2013

R66 Festival 2013 - Joplin - 011

Blue Marsh

Bleu wing Teal, colombia bottoms

mississippi riverL

mississippi riverK

10-06-03 Day 06 - Route 66

Blue Heron

Construction Cranes Dotting The Horizon