Top Shelf

Roys Peak

Sunrise from Roys Peak

Wanaka Lake Trees

Above Roys Peak

The Exit

Lake Wanaka, New Zealand

Oh yeah!

like dreaming of angels - [Explored]

so far away

Lake Wanaka from Mt. Roy, New Zealand.

Mt. Roy, New Zealand

Roys Peak Trig Wanaka Jun 2011

Ski fields and drives up the mountain have some really awesome views! This was on the way up to #TrebleCone . . . . . #newzealandguide #nzmustdo #purenewzealand #newzealandvacations #newzealandfinds #destinationnz #nzimagery #newzealand #campermate #ju

Roy's Peak Pano

Stunning view D61_6872.jpg

Snow Line

Road to Wanaka

Snow Line

Lake Wanaka and Mountains beyond D61_6875.jpg

Glendhu Sunset

Mount Aspiring

Gathered Wood

The Climb

Wanaka from Roy's Peak

Mount Aspiring 1 NZ

Wanaka Mount Aspiring, NZ

Glendhu Bay, South Island, New Zealand Apr 18

Mount Aspiring NZ ( Ch)

Panorama Lake Wanaka

Rob Roy in the Distance

Fern Burn Track, Otago

Beneath the clouds

Lake Wanaka Panorama