IMG_7012 - IMG_7025

Spielbergalmen_Nikon F3

Early morning view from the Rossfeld

Wiestalsee_Rolleiflex 3.5B

IMG_9101 - IMG_9111

My new horse_Nikon F3

St Gilgen


Wolfgangsee & Schafberg

The Early Drone Catches the Great Light

Road to Sunrise

Winter light_Rolleiflex 3.5

Once Upon A Time

Early morning view from Ahornbüchsenkopf

Gamsfeld & Salzkammergut Mountains

Gollinger Heaven

St Gilgen

Ursula & Wolfgangsee

Bleckwand, Nord-Gipfel / Northern summit

Sunset on the Rossfeld

old tree with a view

Home! Sweet home!

Let's go wide!

Early moon

Cry me a river

Mountains in the fog -

Winter wonderland

View over the lake -

Kleiner Bergweiher

View Of St.Wolfgang

St. Nikolaus Church, Golling, Austria

The gorge of the river Lammer -

Saint Wolfgang and Wolfgangsee

Mister Winter go home

Mountain street -

autumnal reflection [Explored]

St. Wolfgang am Wolfgangsee

Bluntausee lake, Austria

*Golling @ Schwarzbach-Romantik*

*Tennengebirge @ Abendhimmel*

Red umbrella

Trattberg - Österreich