Zawiya (institution)... زاوية...کرامات ...Karamat....Zawāyā..."interpretation of the secrets of hearts".transmission of divine light from the teacher's heart to the heart of the student..Ali Ben Omar Mosque in Tolga - Wilaya of Biskra

Image from page 27 of "Le tour du monde : nouveau journal des voyages" (1860)

Image from page 164 of "Africa and its inhabitants" (1899)

Image from page 165 of "Africa and its inhabitants" (1899)

Image from page 29 of "Le tour du monde : nouveau journal des voyages" (1860)

Image from page 28 of "Le tour du monde : nouveau journal des voyages" (1860)

Rush Hour Mauritania

Women Praying Nouakchott Fishing Beach

Beach Scene Nouakchott Fishing Beach

