B&O Depot, Fostoria, Ohio

Tiffin, Ohio Tower Before and After

Tiffin, Ohio Tower Inside

A guardrail & a road.

The Sandusky River is large enough to be noticeable.

Fostoria, Ohio

Ah the creek "East Branch East Branch Wolf Creek," also known as "the East Branch of the East Branch of Wolf Creek," on the Lake Erie Coastal Plain in northern Ohio.

Tiffin Ohio

Seneca County Courthouse - Memorial Plaque on statue of William Harvey Gibson

Schekelhoff Park - river view

Tiffin Ohio

Eastbound at Sunset

Turn the Corner

CSX Trains Were Also Stacked Up

NS Fostoria Drag Races: 4

Santa Fe Caboose

Fostoria, Ohio

Fostoria Iron Triangle Viewing Platform

BSNF 4342 Approaching

Wait for the Train

Good Omen in Fosotoria

Going downtown!

The Day After Tomorrow

Sea of (green) beef

Tiffin - Wall Street Corridor (BAP)

Small Waterfall

Farmland — Ballville Township, Sandusky County, OH

CSX Q380 @ Bascom

CSX Q113 @ Bascom

Tiffin-Glasshouse/TPC Expansion (COAF)

Tiffin Ohio

Tiffin-Glasshouse/TPC Expansion (COAF)

CSX autorack eastbound at Fostoria OH

Farmland at Sunset — Clinton Township, Seneca County, Ohio

Tiffin Ohio

Tiffin Ohio