The templars' horizon

Castelo de Almourol

Alverca do Campo - Golegã

Portugal - The Templar Castle of Almourol (1171)

Portugal - View of the Tejo River (Tagus) from the Castle of Almourol

Alverca do Campo - Golegã

Portugal - The Templar Castle of Almourol (1171)

CP 2623, cab view.

Portugal - View of the Tejo River (Tagus) from the Castle of Almourol

Igreja Matriz do Malhou - Portugal

Quinta de Alviela - Portugal

Quinta de Alviela - Portugal

Igreja Matriz da Azinhaga - Portugal

CP 2551, cab view.

l&d#1 - life in those days

Entroncamento (Portugal) station, 13 Feb 1989



Night-heron juvenile #2

View of the Top

View of the Top

Castelo de Almourol

The other side

Castelo de Almourol

Desafio Volta ao Mundo - Ruínas romanas de Vila Cardílio - Torres Novas - Portugal

Castelo de Almourol ii

Fitting destiny

Castelo de Almourol

Castelo de Almourol

Almourol Castle & Tagus River

Tordo-comum - Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)

In a warm Spring day

Verdilhão (Carduelis chloris)

Nine centuries in two minutes

CP 1413

Castelo de Almourol

Castelo de Almourol, Praia do Ribatejo, Ribatejo, Portugal, Jul 2013

Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)

A Day at the River Shore