Another view before Lunar eclipse

the homestay viuw...living life sometime can be danger,disater just like mounth lokon when erupted we have to be evacuated all village include me and famely and we never know the time for it and yes it alweisy normaly repeted every 10 years...but when u p

Located just 15-minute drive away from Tomohon. It also offers a nice view of Tondano and Manado ????

within Gunung Lokon crater

Gunung Lokon active pit

Pool view

Rain blend with Sunset


View from my hotel

View Lion Hotel & Plaza #manado #hotel #panteboulevard

Beach view

View Gunung Lokon #tomohon #sulawesiutara #s6edge

What is better than having a great day of diving and a great view of Manadotua from Scuba Republic.

Morning view from Scuba Republic.

Mount Lokon, Indonesia

Indonésie - Lokon

Indonésie - Volcan Lokon Empung

Dermaga Tateli

Cloud Sulawesi of Wonderful Indonesia

Waiting the light


Gunung Lokon crater

Bonus yg tak ternilai harganya.. #scientificdiving #manado #sunset

Mahawu volcano, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


Clear Sky

Mount Mahawu at Tomohon

Gunung Lokon

Felder, See und Schwefelquellen

Mt. Lokon at dusk

Indonesia (Sulawesi)

Indonesia (Sulawesi)

Indonesia (Sulawesi)

Sulawesi 2013

Sulawesi 2013