The Warmth of the Sun

Passaic Collection 1 w/SW-UV

Yetters Diner

Google Street View


Sterling Hill Hydrozincite Willemite Calcite Zincite - UVc

The G20 on Spring Street

Distant Veiw of the Delaware Water Gap

Saffin Pond_0965

Ice Storm 2nd Beach View

Old Bridge & Dam

Sterling Hill Hydrozincite Willemite Calcite Zincite - PHOS

View from the bridge site near the railroad trestle

Wildcat Ridge Trail

Wingspans and Clouds


Tom's Diner - Ledgewood, New Jersey

New Jersey Farmland from Rt 80

Male NC

Mill and Run-off

Happy Snowsgiving!

Sweet Sunflower Sunset


Cranberry Lake, NJ

Summer Gold - New Jersey Barley Field

Summer sunset on the lake

Early light on sunflower field

Colby Cut at the Roseville Tunnel

Muddy road, bright

tendrils of the earth

Trees trees #trees

That's no sun.

Sunflower Sunday

Summer in the woods

Lake w/ rocks


Sunrise on Sunflower Maze

late at night, we ramble

At the lake in SPARTA!