Aerial VIew of Tolyabe Dome, Nevada

An expansive but dry view for an eternal resting spot.

Ophir Canyon Road

Toiyabe Range from Carvers, Nevada

Nye County

We stopped at the site of Ophir, an 1860s era silver strike, on our drive back to SoCal.

Round Mountain Mine NV (1996)

Round Mountain Mine NV 1971a

Toyiabe National Forest

sign at trailhead of Stewart Creek Trail

Duke on the Stewart Creek Trail

Marion on the Stewart Creek Trail

Duke on the Stewart Creek Trail

Duke at Columbine Campround

Shoshone Market

Carver's Bar

25) Arc Dome (11,773)

5. Arc Dome (11,773)

3. Arc Dome (11,773)

Nye County

Nye County

Nye County