Over the Bridge in Newton Falls

Sunset through a different view- I was washing my car and as the sun was setting, I saw this on my car. I had to stop to capture it.

Warren, Ohio, Market Street, 1910's

Empty Tracks

South Street, Warren, Ohio 1963

DeForest Junction

Aerial view of Warren G. Harding High School, circa 1935

Looking West down East Market Street from Pine. circa 1952

The Reed family's typical "early departure," December 1963

View from over South Street looking towards Courthouse Square, circa 1910's

A snowy day on West Market Street, circa early 1960's

West Market Street, circa late 1950's

View from the Mahoning River, Warren, OHio circa 1910s

The Second Trumbull County Courthouse, Warren, Ohio, circa late 19th century

Trumbull County Courthouse, Warren, Ohio, circa 1950's

Newton Falls model board

View of West Market Street through Courthouse Square, circa 1970s

Warren Hotel (as Colonial Hotel), Warren, Ohio, circa 1920

Newton Falls manipulation chart

Newton Falls US&S machine

Newton Falls model board

Mosquito Lake State Park

This Ohio sky

West Branch Dam

I'll be walking in a straight line, thank ya anyhow.

Autumn Warren Sunset 1

Champion Township-Copperweld Steel (COAF)


Warren-Former Gasification Plant (COAF)

Cobra Kai on track

Trail 2


Craft project at the kitchen table, 1954

Mosquito Creek Trail

Autumn Back Yard Sunrise

Mosquito Lake in January 1 HDR


Butler Trumbull Campus Sculpture - Primary Compass (Look II)

Daybreak 1-18-13

McDonald-Former U.S. Steel Property (COAF)

In the Woods

Ominous Sky..