Another view of the very confused but wonderfully interesting cicada that was sitting outside on my wooden church this morning. He seems to be either very early or very late for his scheduled emergence, but he caught my eye nonetheless... #bug #bugs #inse

Near the Peach Orchard

Pickwick Dam

Pickwick Lake in the Evening

Cafe St. Clair (lighthouse day view)

Cafe St. Clair (front view)

Cotton Field Fence

Pickwick Landing Dam

Back room interior

Another view of Cafe St. Clair back room exterior

Exterior view Broken Spoke

Shiloh - Johnston death site

Sunset 1.4

Pickwick Landing State Park

Jackson Attacks Stuart

Pickwick Lake Sunset Explored 2-22-12 number 322 Thanks!!

Warning: Humming birds are larger than they appear! Lol! Like if you see it....

Shiloh Civil War Battlefield

#MooMooKitty found the Hostas. #SunnySpringDay!

Spring has come to Tennessee!

Skinners - Dauphin Island, AL

Isle Dauphine Beach Club

Wild Petunias on Dauphin Island. They grow like grass!

Path by the River

2014 September 27 Pickwick Dam Savannah, TN

Purple Creeping Phlox from Mamma Hurleys, Poppa Hurley planted them decades ago!

Japanese Magnolia Blossoms #bloom #blossom #flowers #featuremeinstagood #igmasters #Japanese #magnolia #photo #photowall #photooftheday #spring #viewbug #visualsoflife

Tennessee River Blues

They may not look like much just now, but in a week, these Iris blooms will really be putting on a show! These particular plants are from my grandmothers own bulbs, planted over 30yrs ago and transplanted by me just few years ago. Iris was her middle name

Our Japanese Magnolia is blooming! No filter (It didn't need one!) #photo #photowall #photooftheday #Japanese #magnolia #flowers #featuremeinstagood #spring #viewbug #visualsoflife #blossom #bloom

Tenn Tom Dawn

Larkin Bells Field

Even the pines are in bloom if you look close enough!