Titran in the evening

Rough Waters II, Frøya

Knutsvika. Photo: Marius Rua

Snow at Titran


The Tide Rushes In, Frøya (Explore)

Arctic Tern

Arctic Tern

Gale at Titran 2

Müller Bräu on Frøya, Norway

Filleting of fish. Photo: Marius Rua

Photo: Marius Rua

Storm Clouds, Frøya

Flag of Norway with seagull

Roger & Tyson

Titran kapell.

Gale at Titran 8

13-14 oct 1889. Fisher man went fishing then hurricane came... No one came back that day all fishermen died. Only children and women are left in this island. Since then the population is going down...

Almost ready...

Scallop harvesting

Overhang with plumose anemones

White sea urchin

Sletringen lighthouse

Underwater meadow